Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield

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Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations

We try to keep rules and regulations to the minimum unless necessary for the harmony and safety of the individual or group. Keeping in mind all the Covid-19 Protocols we need to follow all basic safety measures. However we expect the few that we have, should be followed religiously.

COVID-19 Protocols & Guidelines: Riders should follow all Covid-19 health and safety protocols including wearing a mask at all times when interacting with others as well as

Intoxication:  We do not allow any form of intoxication when on the motorcycle. 

Conduct: Riders are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that preserves their dignity and others around them, including other riders, support staff and locals of the region

Environmental responsibility: We must try and ensure that we maintain the sanctity of the region we are passing through.

Medical advice: If you are under medical treatment we expect you to follow the medical advice very strictly.

Traffic Rules: Always obey the prevalent traffic rules of the region you are riding through that includes speed limits, safety gear rules and other aspects.