Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield

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당사는사이트를이용하고콘텐츠및광고를개인맞춤형으로특화하면서당사트래픽분석작업실행을위해당사자체적으로쿠키를사용합니다.또한당사는사용자의당사사이트이용관련정보를분석파트너들과공유하며,파트너들은사용자가이들에게제공하였거나또는사용자가이들의서비스를이용한내역에서수집한기타의정보와당사가수집한위의정보를취합할수있습니다.쿠키및옵트아웃에대한상세한내용을확인하려면(개인정보보호및쿠키정책)버튼을클릭합니다. 사용자가쿠키사용에동의하지않는경우,사이트의모든기능이원래의도한용도로작동하지않을수있습니다.

The GT is the prettier sibling and it is great fun out on a short blast

The Interceptor is clearly the bigger prospect for Royal Enfield in India, between the new 650 Twins. However, comments online indicate that there’s a very real fan following for the Continental GT 650 as well, especially from those who’ve gazed at images and have quite easily concluded that the Conti is just that little bit extra special to look at. But what about how it rides, especially on our roads? Happily, we’ve also managed to get some seat time with the Continental GT at the first ride in Goa and discovered that it has much to offer that’s similar to the Interceptor, but also some qualities that are quite different.
